Safety and Security

Do You Have an Emergency Plan?

Do You Have an Emergency Plan?

Is your family prepared for an emergency like a natural disaster or prolonged power outage? Many families aren’t, but having a plan in place can make all the difference when the unexpected happens. From building an emergency kit to knowing where to go and who to contact, a little preparation goes a long way. In this post, we’ll share expert advice from FEMA, the Red Cross, and more to help you create a personalized emergency plan that meets your family’s needs. Take the first step toward safety today!

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Get prepared, stay prepared

Get prepared, stay prepared

As we enter September, a month dedicated to preparedness, it’s a good time to review how we can best protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community from unexpected emergencies. National Preparedness Month is a reminder that disasters can strike at any time, and...

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Know the signs and hang up on scams

Know the signs and hang up on scams

Scammers continue to use sophisticated tactics to trick you into giving them money or your personal information. According to the Federal Trade Commission, people lost a record $2.7 billion to imposter scams, including utility imposter scams, in 2023.   We're here to...

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