Protecting you during National Consumer Protection Week

Protecting you during National Consumer Protection Week

This National Consumer Protection Week, we want to help you stay informed and protect yourself from common scams targeting utility customers.

Scammers are constantly finding new ways to deceive, often through threatening phone calls, fake websites, fraudulent emails, and even by impersonating our employees. Remember, we’ll never demand immediate payment or ask for sensitive information over the phone or in person.

Common scams and how to protect yourself

We want to help you keep your information safe and stop scammers in their tracks. Being vigilant, staying informed and guarding your personal information are your best defenses.

📱 Phone scams

Threats of disconnection

  • What happens: Scammers posing as utility representatives may call and threaten immediate service disconnection if you don’t make an immediate payment, often demanding payment via prepaid debit card.
  • How to protect yourself: We will never demand immediate payment over the phone. If you receive such a call, hang up and go directly to or call us at 1-800-342-5775 to check your account status. Never provide personal information to unexpected callers.

Spoofed caller ID

  • What happens: Scammers can manipulate caller ID to make it appear as though we’re calling you. They may impersonate customer service and demand payment or ask for your personal information.
  • How to protect yourself: Hang up and call us directly at 1-800-342-5775. Never rely solely on the number displayed on caller ID.

📧Email and text (SMS) scams

Phishing and fake links

  • What happens: Scammers may send emails or texts claiming your bill is past due, with links leading to fake payment pages designed to steal your personal data.
  • How to protect yourself: Never click links or download attachments from unexpected emails or texts. Always go directly to to access your account securely.

đź‘· In-person scams

Impersonators at your door

  • What happens: Scammers may pose as PPL Electric employees, claiming they need access to your meter or demanding immediate payment.
  • How to protect yourself: Always ask for a photo ID. PPL Electric employees will have an official ID badge and will never demand payment in person. For added security, contact us at 1-800-342-5775 to confirm an employee’s identity.

⚠️ Know the signs of scams

  • Slow down: Take your time. Scammers pressure you to act fast.
  • Verify: Scammers call from what may look like our phone number or come to your door with what appears to be an employee badge. Call 1-800-342-5775 to verify it’s really us.
  • Stop: We never demand immediate payment, and we do not accept cryptocurrency, prepaid cards or third-party payment apps.
  • Look out for suspicious emails: Watch for typos, unrecognized email addresses and strange links.
  • Be careful with links: Fake websites can appear in search results. Always access directly rather than through a search engine, ad or third-party link.

If you suspect a scam

  • Stop and think: Scammers use urgency to push you into a quick decision. Take a moment to assess the situation.
  • Contact authorities: Report the incident to your local police department or the FTC.
  • Report to us: Call 1-800-342-5775 to report the scam attempt.
  • Spread the word: Sharing your experience may help protect others in your community.

Stay vigilant and stay informed

We’re committed to protecting our customers and work closely with law enforcement to address scam threats. Visit for more information, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X for the latest scam alerts and updates.

  • Remember, we will never: Demand immediate payment through phone, email, or in person.
  • Request personal financial information, such as credit/debit card or checking account numbers.
  • Require payment using prepaid cards, gift cards, cryptocurrency, or wire transfers via third-party payment apps.
  • Threaten to shut off your service unless immediate payment is made.

More information please visit

Osprey platform gives bird’s eye view of reliability upgrades in Cumberland County

Osprey platform gives bird’s eye view of reliability upgrades in Cumberland County

We have a longstanding commitment to handling our business in ways that preserve and promote a clean, safe and healthy environment for all, including our wildlife.

A group of our feathered friends will be finding this out in March. A family of ospreys will soon be returning to their nest from a warm trip down south, but they’ll be returning to a new location. 

Our teams in Cumberland County are working on upgrading a stretch of transmission lines along Rossmoyne Road and Interstate 76 in Mechanicsburg. Wooden poles like the one seen below are being replaced with the more reliable metal structures that surround it. This will increase reliability for customers in the Mechanicsburg, New Cumberland and West Shore areas. 

A photo of an older wooden transmission pole surrounded by newer steel transmission poles.

The ospreys’ nest once sat on that wooden pole in the picture above. But in order to replace the pole, the nest had to be moved. 

Thanks to a conscious construction and environmental team, the ospreys are being given a safer home just feet away from their original dwelling.  

In early February, crews removed the osprey nest from the wooden utility pole but made sure to keep the nest intact. Meanwhile, the team ordered a 55-foot platform that was put up across the road from the power lines at the end of the month. The osprey nest is now perched on top of this platform, giving the birds a higher, 360-degree view of their habitat – and the ongoing reliability project – below.  

“Ospreys use the same nest every year,” said Tom Eby, a senior environmental pro at PPL Electric overseeing the project. “When they come back to this area, they’ll notice that their nest has moved, but they’ll also notice that it isn’t far away. We’ve done projects like this in the past and we’ve seen strong results.” 

A photo of two PPL Electric Utilities employees holding up the osprey nest.

A view of the finished osprey platform standing in the distance.


Ospreys were once listed as an endangered species, and the population reached as low as a singular nest in Pennsylvania. Thanks to many efforts to reintroduce the species to the area, the population has now rebounded. Our team has partnered with the Pennsylvania Game Commission and others over the years to construct more than a dozen platforms like this. 

Providing good nesting areas away from our power lines is not just good for our wildlife, it is also good for our customers’ reliability. This project is an example of the work we do year-round to build a stronger, more resilient grid.  

“Increased reliability for our customers is always the goal, but building a platform for these majestic birds is icing on the cake for us,” Eby said. 

The three-year transmission project is almost finished; the ospreys’ old home was perched on one of the last-standing wooden poles. The job is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. While we work, we know our eyes in the sky will be watching closely. 

Helping a “hunger crisis” during the holidays

Helping a “hunger crisis” during the holidays

Central and eastern Pennsylvania are special places. We’ve felt that way for over 100 years because of our communities and the people who live here. And the holidays are an annual reminder of family and community, as we rally around each other with the hope of bringing warmth, joy – and food – to all.

But not everyone is able to fill their homes with the food they need. That’s why we and our employees are teaming up with local organizations to help make sure nobody goes hungry this holiday season.

We are joining abc27 News and the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank in Harrisburg for the annual Feed a Local Family campaign, which aims to increase charitable donations to the food bank. Joe Arthur, CEO of the food bank, says that it is currently in a “hunger crisis,” serving more families and individuals in need than at the height of the pandemic.

“We’re fighting hunger all year long,” Arthur said. “But during the holiday season, we also want to make sure families in need have the great holiday foods that we all enjoy.”

Arthur and Soni Dimond, a reporter from abc27, recently stopped by our West Shore Service Center in Mechanicsburg. We recorded a few TV segments and also gave a donation to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. Our employees all chipped in to donate a total of 544 pounds of food.

“It’s fantastic to partner with the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank,” said Kelly Palmer, regional affairs director at PPL Electric Utilities. “Our partnership dates back several decades. They’re going to be able to get food on families’ tables who really need it.”

Even if you aren’t able to donate right now, the food bank is always accepting donations to feed its more than 250,000 monthly visitors. These donations can be food, but money can also be donated to purchase food.

“The best advice I have for people this time of year really is to give back to the community,” Palmer said. “This time of year tends to bring out the best in people. That’s what community is really about at the end of the day – doing the right thing and coming together to give back.

Click the link here to donate to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank.

Empowering fitness for veterans and children

Empowering fitness for veterans and children

Every Veterans Day, we honor all who have served in the military. Veterans at PPL Electric Utilities can join our PPLVets business resource group, which holds veteran-led meetings and events throughout the year. Through the PPL Foundation, we’re also proud to support organizations throughout our 29-county service territory that assist veterans.

The I’M ABLE Foundation is one of these organizations. The foundation is based in Wyomissing and is a recent recipient of a Powering Equity grant. I’M ABLE builds on its mission to remove obstacles for people with challenges, providing them with access to programs and equipment tailored to their needs.

In addition to providing free adaptive and inclusive group fitness programs for children, I’M ABLE also provides free fitness and mentorship opportunities for veterans though its Operation Lead from the Front program.

“The I’M ABLE Foundation is a place where people can come and get active – people of all abilities,” said Brian Sutherland, director of development for the I’M ABLE Foundation.

The foundation hosts classes at its gym twice a week and also takes part in events on select weekends. While the childrens’ and veterans’ fitness classes bring in different audiences, veterans have the opportunity to take part in mentoring and helping children in the foundation’s I’M FIT classes.

Jason Kish is a military veteran who has become a mentor for two children in the I’M FIT class.

“It just makes my life more enriched, just to get away from my normal day-to-day routine,” Kish said. “This is something that’s just hard to describe – how rewarding it is.”

A photo of Kish (left) and Josh (right) during one of the program's I'M FIT classes.

A photo of Kish (left) and Josh (right) during one of the program’s I’M FIT classes.

Since I’M ABLE began hosting classes, attendance has jumped from an average of five participants to 40 per class. Sutherland says that this jump is thanks to donors like the PPL Foundation that make this programming free.

“You guys giving back to the community and making this possible for people of all abilities – it makes a difference,” he said. “All these kids can come together and just be celebrated for who they are and what they can do.”

“The work that they are doing to advance inclusivity in our community is so important,” said Kelly Palmer, PPL Electric Utilities regional affairs director. “It’s really meeting a community need, and it’s exactly the type of program we would want to fund through the Powering Equity grant. We are proud to support the I’M ABLE Foundation, and we are proud to support our veterans.”

Friendly neighbors building communities

Friendly neighbors building communities

As a staple of central and eastern Pennsylvania for over 100 years, we understand the critical importance of economic development. Through our growth as a company, we have powered businesses and empowered growth within communities throughout our 29-county service area. 

We are committed to doing what we can to not only attract new businesses to our region, but also supporting the existing businesses and communities that have helped make Pennsylvania what it is today. 

One of the ways we support our communities is through the Pennsylvania Department of Economic Development’s (DCED) Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP). Whether it’s affordable housing, community services, crime prevention, job training or neighborhood assistance, we’re helping support nonprofit agencies working to better their neighborhoods through community development projects. We have been a long-time participant in the NPP program, and we value the positive impact this approach makes in each community. 

We are currently assisting six nonprofits across Lancaster, Wilkes-Barre and the Greater Lehigh Valley. 

“We could not have the level of beautification that we’ve had in downtown Wilkes-Barre without the assistance of PPL’s NPP contributions,” said Larry Newman, executive director of Wilkes-Barre’s Diamond City Partnership. “Having the partnership with PPL and other contributors allows us to leverage resources and punch far above our weight.” 

Here are the six organizations we’re currently partnered with: 

Community Action Development of Allentown (CADA) – Upside Allentown 

We are involved in a six-year partnership with Upside Allentown to provide support for several youth-serving organizations in distressed Allentown neighborhoods: 

  • Generation Next at William Allen High School 
  • AfterZone, Allentown’s after-school initiative 
  • Allentown Police Department’s Youth Police Academy 
  • James Lawson Freedom School

Support through our partnership also includes the acquisition and renovation of a community center. 

Community Action Development of Bethlehem – Southside Tomorrow 

Our six-year partnership with Southside tomorrow seeks to address a number of community-based needs: 

  • A lack of quality, affordable renter and owner-occupied housing in an area of Bethlehem with the highest percentage of cost-burdened homeowners and renters 
  • A lack of access to fresh food and grocery stores 
  • A lack of vegetation and green spaces, as well as quality parks and recreational outlets 
  • A need for improved lighting and walkability of south Bethlehem 
  • A need for more connection between the community and the community’s institutions 
  • Challenges with cleanliness 

Diamond City Partnership – Wilkes-Barre 

“We work to improve downtown Wilkes-Barre’s environment, image and economy,” Newman said. “We have goals to help improve these areas. The downtown is still feeling the impacts from COVID, and NPP funding is helping us achieve our goals more broadly and at a higher level.” 

Our six-year partnership with the Diamond City Partnership supports the nonprofit’s efforts to revitalize and beautify downtown Wilkes-Barre. 

“Our goal is to shape a downtown that is a point of pride for everyone in our region, not just the downtown,” Newman said. “You simply cannot have a healthy community or region without a healthy downtown at its core. That’s what drives us every day.” 

The organization was highlighted in a recent announcement for the Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP). The partnership program is a part of the NAP. In an event held at the Diamond City Partnership, Pennsylvania announced it would be doubling its funding for the NAP program from $36 million to $72 million. 

A before-and-after comparison of the area that has been turned into the SOMA Arts Center in Wilkes-Barre.

An alley in downtown Wilkes-Barre (left) was cleaned up and revitalized by the Diamond City Partnership. It has been repurposed into the SOMA Arts District (right), a new space for citygoers to visit and enjoy. This project was completed thanks in part to NPP funding.

“It was a chance to showcase to the Commonwealth and the media just what these partnerships can accomplish,” Newman said. “And we’re just very pleased and happy with the support that PPL has provided us because they understand how important this work is. They’ve been there for us.” 

Hispanic Center Lehigh Valley 

“At the base of our partnership is helping people meet their basic needs,” said Raymond Santiago, executive director of the Hispanic Center. “Meeting these needs allows people to flourish in their education, careers and family life, which in turn helps make a positive impact in the Lehigh Valley.” 

Hispanic Center Lehigh Valley is supported on a year-to-year basis through the NAP program. We support economic recovery efforts serving vulnerable populations, with a focus on providing bilingual services to Hispanic/Latino residents. We are also supporting: 

  • A new bilingual Cultural and Linguistic Workforce Development Center 
  • The Social Service Program’s case management services 
  • Programming to support older adults’ health and wellness at the Hispanic Center’s senior center 
  • Meeting an increased demand for emergency food at the center’s food pantry 

“We understand the importance of the work we do in making sure these groups are an active piece of the future of the Lehigh Valley,” Santiago said. “Right now, we’re able to meet the need of the community because of funding from PPL and our other partners.” 

Spanish American Civic Association (SACA) – Tec Centro 

Our six-year partnership with SACA’s Tec Centro program helps provide basic education and job training to low-income Latino individuals in Lancaster. The funding has helped SACA create two new occupational training areas for broadband training and renewable energy. Funding has also been used to invest in affordable housing, which is helping balance over-gentrification in the community. Furthermore, these contributions have been used to help leverage additional investments from Lancaster City and Lancaster County totaling $1 million. These investments will help develop a welding and metal fabrication occupational training area at Tec Centro. 


We also have a six-year partnership with Lancaster’s Tenfold. Tenfold serves low-income residents of the City of Lancaster and Columbia Borough to help those experiencing housing and financial instability due to rising costs, stagnant wages and the aftermath of a global pandemic. The organization is using NPP funds to:

  • Make critical home repairs to homeowners  
  • Support local affordable housing projects 
  • Provide eviction prevention assistance 

The funds are also being used by Tenfold’s Financial Empowerment Center to provide one-on-one financial counseling, as well as workshops on budgeting, savings, improving credit scores and first-time homebuyer’s courses. 

We take great pride in our NPP partnerships, and in the work that these organizations are doing to help build up their communities. We also know that these effects will be felt well beyond those directly impacted by these partnerships. A commitment to economic development is a commitment to community, and we look forward to continuing to support the places where we live and work. 

“Even before I began working with the Hispanic Center, I worked closely with PPL on a number of campaigns,” Santiago said. “I know how much they care. It’s not only about the financial support, but also the time and talent that PPL employees donate.”Â