A woman is kneeling on the floor, carefully packing a bright red emergency backpack. The scene appears to be indoors, possibly in a living room, with a soft carpet and a tablet placed nearby on the wooden floor. The room is well-lit, and there are toys scattered around, indicating a family environment. The woman seems focused on organizing the contents of the backpack, suggesting preparedness or planning for an emergency situation.

Customer Service

Highlighting an important role on our Customer Service Team

Customer Service Week is a time to recognize the heart of our customer experience— our Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) and Associates (CSAs).   So far this year, we have received over 7.4 million customer interactions across various channels.

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Energizing Community through volunteerism

Energizing Community through volunteerism

For over 100 years, we’ve served communities throughout central and eastern Pennsylvania, not just because it’s our job, but because this is our home. It’s where our children go to school. We’re all neighbors. Over 460 PPL employees recently took part in the United Way’s annual Day of Caring. Our employees painted, planted, packed, shopped and beautified 20 different organizations across our service area. We look forward to keeping this momentum going, and we can’t wait to go even bigger in 2025.

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