Energy Efficiency Badge

Energy Efficiency

You’re surrounded by savings. We’ll show you where to look.
We pride ourselves in serving as your trusted energy advisor – helping you make wise energy decisions, big and small. Our energy efficiency tools, tips, and programs make it easy to save energy and money now and for years to come.  
Spring cleaning? Don’t forget your devices!

Spring cleaning? Don’t forget your devices!

Spring cleaning is the perfect time to improve your home’s energy efficiency. Cleaning and organizing can positively impact the performance of electronics and appliances of all kinds—and that can have a real effect on your energy bills. Let’s look at ways to clean up devices throughout the house.

Maximizing energy savings for your business

Maximizing energy savings for your business

The PPL Business Energy Efficiency Program offers business customers high incentives for energy efficiency projects such as lighting, compressed air, refrigeration, HVAC, combined heat and power, and more. Our kW savings are based on summer peak demand. Watch our video to learn more.

Slay those energy vampires

Slay those energy vampires

It's spooky season, and it's time to slay those energy vampires — the electronic gadgets, appliances, and other devices that draw energy when they're plugged in but not in use. Here are four tips to keep these monsters at bay. In the home office After you sign off,...

Time to clear the air—in your home

Time to clear the air—in your home

Your home’s indoor air quality is the quality of the air within and around your home in relation to you and your family’s health and comfort. By understanding and improving your home’s air quality, you can improve not only your health and quality of life but also save...

Stay cool and splash into energy savings

Stay cool and splash into energy savings

When the summer heat is at its highest, your energy bill can take quite a hit. One of the best ways to keep your energy costs down is to focus on the ways you use water. Water heating accounts for an average of 13% of a home’s energy costs. Tip 1: Reset With a Cold...

Give the gift of energy efficiency this Mother’s Day

Give the gift of energy efficiency this Mother’s Day

Flowers and candy are Mother’s Day mainstays, but this year try something new— make energy-efficient changes around your mom’s house for a gift that keeps on giving all year long. But, don’t forget the flowers. She’s your mom, after all. Here are a few tips: Clean the...

