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Nov 26, 2024 | Community Involvement | 1 comment

Helping a “hunger crisis” during the holidays

Central and eastern Pennsylvania are special places. We’ve felt that way for over 100 years because of our communities and the people who live here. And the holidays are an annual reminder of family and community, as we rally around each other with the hope of bringing warmth, joy – and food – to all.

But not everyone is able to fill their homes with the food they need. That’s why we and our employees are teaming up with local organizations to help make sure nobody goes hungry this holiday season.

We are joining abc27 News and the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank in Harrisburg for the annual Feed a Local Family campaign, which aims to increase charitable donations to the food bank. Joe Arthur, CEO of the food bank, says that it is currently in a “hunger crisis,” serving more families and individuals in need than at the height of the pandemic.

“We’re fighting hunger all year long,” Arthur said. “But during the holiday season, we also want to make sure families in need have the great holiday foods that we all enjoy.”

Arthur and Soni Dimond, a reporter from abc27, recently stopped by our West Shore Service Center in Mechanicsburg. We recorded a few TV segments and also gave a donation to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. Our employees all chipped in to donate a total of 544 pounds of food.

“It’s fantastic to partner with the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank,” said Kelly Palmer, regional affairs director at PPL Electric Utilities. “Our partnership dates back several decades. They’re going to be able to get food on families’ tables who really need it.”

Even if you aren’t able to donate right now, the food bank is always accepting donations to feed its more than 250,000 monthly visitors. These donations can be food, but money can also be donated to purchase food.

“The best advice I have for people this time of year really is to give back to the community,” Palmer said. “This time of year tends to bring out the best in people. That’s what community is really about at the end of the day – doing the right thing and coming together to give back.

Click the link here to donate to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank.

1 Comment

  1. Robbin Phillips

    I am so happy that the food bank is working hard to get together enough food for all the family’s that need help. I pray that they keep up working hard for all year long.


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