Payment support for every household

Payment support for every household

We understand each household across our territory is unique.  That’s why we offer a range of options to help manage your bill and make it as affordable as possible, regardless of your income.

We have options for all customers, whether you own or rent your home and whether you have a past due balance or not. We also have assistance programs for income eligible customers. These options may include free grants to help pay your bill.

It’s easy to apply. Sign into your online account at and click “Get help paying.” Answer a few questions about your household income and we’ll match you with a program that will benefit you most.

Check out all the options that may be available for your family.

Options for all customers:

paper scroll icon with dollar sign


Payment arrangements: Get help paying a past-due balance over time.


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Budget billing: We’ll take the average of your last 12 months of electric use to make your monthly payments more predictable.


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Due date extension: If you’re current with your bill but need a little extra time to pay, apply for an extension.


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Due date changes: If your balance is paid in full, you can select a due date that fits your pay schedule or budget.


Options for income-eligible customers:

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OnTrack: Get a fixed monthly payment based on your income. You may qualify for debt forgiveness, too.


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Operation HELP: Grants for homeowners and renters to help pay your electric bill.



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WRAP: Free energy-saving products and services to help reduce your electric use.



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LIHEAP: Grants up to $2,000 to help pay your winter heating bills or prevent a shut-off.


To learn more about our programs and apply, visit

Need help paying your bill? We have programs to help

Need help paying your bill? We have programs to help

As colder temperatures set in, we welcome winter hats and gloves, the first snowfall, and the holiday season with loved ones. However, for some of our friends and family members, the winter season brings concerns for increased energy use and, in turn, higher heating bills.

That’s why we’re spreading the word about our programs and payment agreements. Each year, thousands of our customers receive help with their bills through these programs.

Programs for income-eligible customers

Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP):
If you rent your home and your income was impacted by the pandemic, you may qualify for free grants to help with your rent and utility bills. Many of our customers have already taken advantage of this federal program. In fact, PPL Electric customers have claimed more than $4.6 million in ERAP funds so far, and there are still millions of dollars remaining in the program.

OnTrack: Get a lower fixed monthly payment. If you have a past-due balance, you will also receive debt forgiveness.

LIHEAP: Apply for free federal grants to help with your home heating bills and emergencies.

WRAP: See if you qualify for free energy efficiency products to help reduce your electricity use.

Operation HELP: Apply for a cash grant to help with home heating bills.

Programs for all customers

Budget billing: We’ll average your electric use over the entire year so your bill amount will be more predictable.

Payment agreements: We can set you up with an agreement to pay down your bill over time. Sign in to your online profile and see what options are available for you.

We want you to get the help you need to keep your home warm this winter. Learn more about all of our programs at