As part of our ongoing You Ask, We Answer campaign, we’re answering questions we frequently receive from customers. Here’s one that has to do with shopping for energy.
If I choose not to shop for an energy supplier, can I stay with PPL?
Yes, you may remain with us if you do not choose to shop for an energy supplier. We will buy energy on your behalf and provide it to you – without profit or markup – at a price called the price to compare.
You can see the current price to compare on our website or on your monthly bill. It is adjusted twice a year, on June 1 and Dec. 1, to reflect changes in the cost of buying energy.
Also, if you cancel a contract with a competitive supplier and do not select a new one, you will automatically return to PPL Electric Utilities.
We sometimes hear from longtime customers who say they don’t want to “hurt PPL” by shopping with another energy supplier. While we appreciate their loyalty, it doesn’t hurt us if customers shop. In fact, we encourage you to visit the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s energy shopping website at to see what other offers are available.
To see prior You Ask, We Answer posts, click here.