Please don’t post on our poles

Thinking about promoting your yard sale, band concert, or campaign for township supervisor by posting signs on utility poles?

Please don’t.

Posting signs or posters on utility poles is unsafe and, in many cases, illegal. Our line workers can be injured if their climbing hooks strike a nail, tack or staple that has been hammered into a pole. The fasteners also could tear the rubber equipment our workers wear to protect against electrical shock.

Section 6905 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code makes it a summary offense to drive a nail or tack into a utility pole. (Don’t believe us? You can read it here.)

Even if the posters are affixed with tape or string, they can still cause problems. The signs can hide identifying markers on poles, slowing our efforts to locate the source of trouble in the event of a power outage.

In addition, many communities have laws prohibiting the posting of signs or posters on poles by any means. (Some communities are cracking down on these postings, as seen in this WBRE/WYOU news story from November 2017.)

We know our poles appear to be a high-visibility place to post messages. But when you do that, you’re putting our workers at risk, and most likely breaking the law. So, again, please don’t.

Our line workers thank you.



  1. Norman

    I don’t see too many pole climbers anymore. Seems like bucket trucks have taken over for the wave of the future.. But, it’s still a good safety hint. Thank You.

    • Jacqueline Arndt

      It’s not just pole climbers what about the workers that have to change a pole because of a car accident, etc.

  2. Richard shannon

    My naieghbor has installed at antena on one of poles . I don’t think is legal , we live on buckeye on. New Columbia pa.

  3. Mike

    I think maybe ppl should advertise this. I didn’t know it was illegal to put yardsale signs up with tacks until I got a $185 fine in the mail

  4. Diya Putthan

    Sometimes, I’ve seen people attach signs on power poles despite the warning from PPL. It happens sometimes because I think they didn’t know that they shouldn’t post on utility poles. Hopefully, they understand that posting on utility poles is not good. Good thing many communities are strictly prohibiting signs to be posted on utility poles.

  5. Frank B

    Just another nonsense fine to generate more revenue.

  6. Kasey

    What number do I call if I see signs nailed to utility poles?

    • Kathryn

      Good Morning Kasey, You can call to report a sign attached to our pole at 1-800-342-5775. However, please know that if PPL is working on a pole with an illegally posted sign, we will remove it, but we do not proactively patrol for or remove these signs from our poles. Our focus must be on providing safe and reliable power for our customers and communities.

  7. Diya

    I heard that some people paint on telephone poles. Are we allowed on paint on the poles owned by PPL? Does this rule also apply to adding paint on utility poles?

    • Kathryn

      Good Morning Diya, Please know PPL is not the owner of all poles. Some poles are owned by other utilities such as the telephone company. We do not allow our poles to be painted or used for posting. Our focus must be on providing safe and reliable power for our customers and communities. If you have any concerns or further questions, please reach out to our Service Team at 1-877-220-6016 weekdays 8am-5pm. Thank you!



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