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Jul 10, 2020 | Reliability | 1 comment

Transmission: Investing for Tomorrow

We're investing in the future of our grid

The world is changing fast and the electric power grid is no exception.

For the longest time, power flowed just one way: from the power plants, across transmission lines, to substations and finally through distribution lines to homes and businesses.

Now, with more renewable energy like solar and wind, that power is starting to flow both ways, with renewable power coming onto the grid.

Renewable energy is right for our customers, community and world. That’s why we’ve invested in the future to make sure the power grid is ready.

Our network of transmission lines (#2 below) plays an important role in supporting renewables. Just like our highway system, transmission is responsible for moving electricity quickly and safely over long distances.

A cleaner energy future requires moving electricity to cities and other areas that need it. Transmission is critical in transporting renewable energy from where it is produced – often in remote, rural areas – to where it’s needed.

The sun doesn’t always shine, and wind doesn’t always blow. New technologies are needed on the transmission system to keep electricity flowing whenever power is needed.

We’ve taken steps to modernize and upgrade the transmission system to help prevent outages for customers, safeguard against cyber and physical attacks, and to support adding more renewables to the grid.

Sensors automatically identify problems on the grid, so power can be remotely rerouted to where it is needed, isolating the problem and quickly restoring power to customers.

We’re doing other things like using data analytics to signal when a piece of equipment needs to be replaced and identifying damaged or diseased trees– before they cause a power outage.

Preserving our transmission system is increasingly important to a safe and reliable power grid. With our innovation and advanced technology, we’ll be prepared.

To learn more about the important role of transmission, visit

1 Comment

  1. TowerManufacturers

    Investments in new technologies, including advanced sensors and data analytics, are highlighted as essential for maintaining grid reliability and security. These innovations help detect and address issues promptly, prevent outages, and safeguard against cyber and physical threats. By enhancing the grid’s capacity to manage variable renewable energy sources and maintain continuous power supply, these upgrades support a cleaner and more resilient energy future.


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