Energy Efficiency Badge

Energy Efficiency

You’re surrounded by savings. We’ll show you where to look.
We pride ourselves in serving as your trusted energy advisor – helping you make wise energy decisions, big and small. Our energy efficiency tools, tips, and programs make it easy to save energy and money now and for years to come.  
Save energy and money on your bill this winter

Save energy and money on your bill this winter

Our first cold spell of the year is here and with temperatures predicted to remain frigid for the foreseeable future, we want to help you prepare for the colder days ahead. A few simple steps can help you stay comfortable and save energy this winter.

Should you start planning for your next HVAC system?

Should you start planning for your next HVAC system?

Eighty-three percent of our customers who took the October home energy efficiency quiz correctly answered that heating and cooling is the single largest use of energy in a home. Your HVAC system is critical to your home’s comfort and a big part of your annual energy...

Watch out for Energy Vampires this Halloween

Watch out for Energy Vampires this Halloween

Halloween is the perfect reminder to watch out for energy vampires, or electronics that drain energy when they’re plugged in, but not being used. These everyday items are things like cell phone chargers, computers and coffee makers that could cost you more than $100...

It’s Energy Awareness Month. How energy aware are you?

It’s Energy Awareness Month. How energy aware are you?

October is Energy Awareness Month. Here’s an opportunity to find out how much you know about how you use energy at home throughout the day. To get started, click the button below to answer the quiz questions. When you choose an answer, you’ll get some useful tips and...

Prepare for winter with heating rebates

Prepare for winter with heating rebates

In an average home, heating accounts for nearly half of the energy used, making efficiency even more important. If your home’s equipment is more than 10 to 15 years old or needs frequent repairs, it could be time to replace it with new, more energy-efficient...

