Oct 31, 2022 | Customer Service
Stay up to date with news, notes and information from PPL Electric Utilities. Follow us on social media for energy efficiency tips, bill help information, guidance on shopping for an electricity supplier, storm updates and more. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Whether you need a little extra time to make your monthly payment or need help paying off a past due balance, we have multiple programs and payment arrangements to help. For more information on these customer-assistance programs, including more on how you can apply, visit our bill help page.
Looking for ways to save energy and money? By reducing the amount of energy used at a home or business you can save on your monthly bill. We offer tips, programs and rebates that can help. Residential customers can also sign up for a free virtual home energy audit. For more information that can help you save—throughout the year—visit SaveWithPPL.com.
Sep 1, 2022 | Customer Service
Sharing your personal information anywhere can be a risk. But we have a simple and safe solution. Sign up for paperless billing on our secure website.
- Safeguard your personal information and prevent identity theft.
- Avoid checks and envelopes, which can be stolen or lost.
- View, download and print one year of bills at any time.
- Never miss a payment with bill due reminder alerts.
It’s not just about security. Paperless billing is also better for the environment, and it’ll save you time and money.
Sign up today at pplelectric.com/paperless.
Jul 14, 2022 | Customer Service
Sharing your personal information anywhere can be a risk. But we have a simple and safe solution. Sign up for paperless billing and access your account on our secure website. We can guarantee your billing and payment info, as well as your energy use, will be protected.
Go paperless for these great benefits and more:
- Safeguard your personal info and prevent identity theft with an online profile at pplelectric.com
- Set up bill due reminder alerts at pplelectric.com/alerts, so you never miss a payment
- Pay your bill within a few clicks on our secure website
- View, download, and print one year of bills anytime
- Avoid paperwork, envelopes, checks, and stamps
Make the switch to paperless billing today.
Jun 15, 2022 | Bill Help
Let’s be honest. There are certain times of year when we use more electricity than usual. Summer – with all its cooling and often extra hours spent at home – is one of those times.
If you don’t want to get surprised by a larger-than-normal electricity bill, consider smoothing out your payments to make them more predictable.
Budget billing is available to everyone, even if you’re already on a payment agreement.
Here are the details:
We’ll take the average of your electricity use over the past 12 months to determine your monthly budget amount. If you’ve lived in your current location for less than six months, we’ll estimate your use based on your household information.
Every three months, we’ll look back at your use and, if necessary, adjust your budget amount. If you’re using more electricity than expected, your bill might increase. If you’re using less, it might be lower.
After 12 months, we’ll settle the difference between your actual energy use and the amount you were billed.
Sign up for more predictable payments and peace of mind at pplelectric.com/budget.
Jan 3, 2022 | Reliability
When there’s a problem — or a fault — on a power line, it can cause power outages for our customers. But thanks to a game-changing new system, these problems impact fewer customers than ever. The new system, created by our own engineering teams and vendor partners, uses smart devices that interrupt faults remotely. They’re called “vacuum reclosers.”
We place them on power lines to monitor the flow of electricity. When a sensor on a line detects a problem, the nearest recloser automatically cuts power from that point in the line. Instead of every customer on the line losing power, only customers downstream of the recloser device are impacted. Then, our crews work as safely and quickly as possible to restore power to everyone who is out.
In November 2021, we installed the first vacuum recloser on a transmission line and plan to install more of these devices at locations that will provide the most benefit to our customers.
This is just one example of our commitment to innovate and invest in technologies that improve reliability.