Energy Efficiency Badge

Aug 16, 2021 | Energy Efficiency | 0 comments

Stay cool and splash into energy savings

Use water wisely to help lower energy bills

When the summer heat is at its highest, your energy bill can take quite a hit. One of the best ways to keep your energy costs down is to focus on the ways you use water. Water heating accounts for an average of 13% of a home’s energy costs.

Tip 1: Reset With a Cold Shower

When it’s just way too hot outside, a quick cool-off in the shower is an easy, energy-efficient way to lower your body temperature. Keeping it short and cool gives your water heater a break and can help lower energy costs. Bonus: Cold showers promote better blood flow, making you feel more awake, support healthy hair and skin, and help with sore muscles.

Reset with a cold shower

Tip 2: Replace Old Water Heating Equipment

The last thing you need during a heatwave is a broken appliance. Older water heaters have a lifespan of about 10 years. Stay up to date with regular maintenance and replace older models with new, energy-efficient ones. If you plan to upgrade, consider installing a heat pump water heater, which can cut energy costs for water heating in half. We also offer a $400 rebate on ENERGY STAR® heat pump water heaters.

Replace old water heating equipment

Tip 3: Lower Your Water Heater Temperature

Since scorching-hot water isn’t typically necessary, check to see what temperature your water heater is currently set to. If you lower your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, you can save energy and money and reduce the risk of scalding.

Lower your water heater temperature

Tip 4: Wash Clothing With Cold Water

Another good way to avoid using hot water and save more on your energy bill is to wash your clothes on a cold setting. About 90% of the energy used in washing machines comes from water heating.

Wash clothing with cold water

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