Bill help within a few clicks
With an updated design and intuitive navigation, our website makes it easier than ever to handle everyday transactions:
- Make a payment
- Start, stop, or transfer your electric service
- Report an outage
- Manage your energy use
- Apply for programs and payment agreements
If you’re struggling to pay your bill, or even facing a shut-off, sign into your account at pplelectric.com, and click “Get Help Paying.” We’ll ask you a few questions about your household and refer you to the programs that will benefit your family most.
Programs for income-eligible customers include LIHEAP, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which is accepting applications for up to $2,700 through May 6, or OnTrack, which offers lower, fixed monthly payments and debt forgiveness.
Regardless of income, all customers are eligible for budget billing and payment agreement options, which are also available on our website. If you’re interested in saving, check out more ways to save by shopping for an electricity supplier, and participating in energy efficiency programs.
Don’t have an online account? Don’t wait another day to start enjoying the benefits, like making secure payments 24/7 without wasting money on checks and postage. Register for a new web profile and sign up for paperless billing in minutes.
We value your time, so we’ve made it quick and easy to get the assistance you need 24/7 at pplelectric.com without ever having to pick up the phone.